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Berufsakademie Sachsen Standorte
Leipzig Staatliche Studienakademie
Riesa Staatliche Studienakademie
Dresden Staatliche Studienakademie
Glauchau Staatliche Studienakademie
Plauen Staatliche Studienakademie
Breitenbrunn Staatliche Studienakademie
Bautzen Staatliche Studienakademie


"Future Intent-Based Networking: On the QoS Robust and Energy Efficient Heterogeneous Software Defined Networks" will be published

06. January 2022

Am 15. Januar 2022 erscheint der Sammelband „Future Intent-Based Networking: On the QoS Robust and Energy Efficient Heterogeneous Software Defined Networks” im Springer Verlag.

Internationales - Besuch aus Oberschlesien

03. November 2021

Das Interesse am Dualen Studium ist auch in den Nachbarländern groß. So war am 29. Oktober 2021 eine Delegation zu Gast an der Berufsakademie Sachsen.

Internationales - Studierende ins Ausland

09. June 2021

Das Ausland ruft - Studierende können sich für Teilstipendium PROMOS bewerben.

University Information Day also took place at Zgorelec

15. January 2020

Prof. Dr. Teresa Dierkes was heavily surrounded at the open university day in Polish Zgorzelec. Pupils and teachers from the Zgorzelec grammar schools were happy to take the opportunity ... Read here.

Thank you for the great cooperation. We wish ...

20. December 2019

... you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

(Re)appoinment of directors

27. June 2019

The directors of Berufsakademie Sachsen were awarded their certificates of reappointment by the Saxon State Ministry for Science and the Arts in Dresden.

Cooperation to secure availability of professionals in the region

25. June 2019

Chemnitz University of Technology and Berufsakademie Sachsen agreed on a closer cooperation to secure the availability of professionals and retain them in the region. This includes a more intensive collaboration in the areas of in-service academic training and the transfer between science and economy as well as society. Prof. Dr. Uwe Götze, representative of the rector and Prorector for Transfer and Further Education at Chemnitz University and Technology, and Prof. Dr. Andreas Hänsel, President of Berufsakademie Sachsen, signed the corresponding cooperation agreement in June.

Next dates

Our guiding principles

Cooperative. Self-determined. Equal opportunities. Sustainable. Future-proof.

1. About us

  • We are THE provider of cooperative education in the academic landscape of Saxony.
  • As a public institution of higher education we offer a large variety of accredited degree programs from the fields of technology, economy and social services and healthcare.
  • Our team consists of committed lecturers and associates from science and business.
  • We are closely associated with practice partner under the umbrella of Berufsakademie Sachsen
  • We promote a culture of mutual trust, equality and cosmopolitanism and motivate our students to take on social responsibility.
  • We engage in active dialog with the public and consider ourselves as ambassadors for the principle of cooperative education

2. Our offers 

  • scientific and practical degree programs that provide students with broad fundamental knowledge and application-oriented expertise at a high scientific level. Relying on scientific methods and practical experience, our graduates are enabled to perform tasks independently (transfer competence) and possess personal, social, communicative and digital competences.
  • shared responsibility for successful teaching and learning on the basis of interdisciplinary didactic models
  • optimal study conditions: modern campus, small study groups, individual support
  • equal opportunities for students and staff members with disabilities and chronic conditions
  • an internationally recognized degree within 6 semesters
  • a monthly remuneration
  • Our students are enabled to independently take on tasks and responsibility in different fields of activity immediately after graduation thus having best career opportunities.
  • Through an active cooperation with Berufsakademie Sachsen, practice partners are able to secure an adequate supply of reliable and qualified experts and executives.
  • access to advanced Master’s degree courses
  • professional and individual development for our lecturers and staff members

3. Our promises 

  • future-oriented development of our degree programs in line with scientific and practical requirements
  • the initiation of practice-oriented research activities
  • a reinforced practical application of scientific findings in the form of knowledge and technology transfer
  • a focus on quality concepts and the continuous and practice-oriented development of our quality management system
  • pursuing the objective of becoming an inclusive Berufsakademie Sachsen
  • an extension of our advanced training programs

4. We have a vision

Together on our way to the University of Cooperative Education.

Guidelines for a respectful studying and working place


Establishing gender equality, equal opportunities and gender sensitivity is a challenge that is to be addressed by the whole of society. Berufsakademie Sachsen, as part of society, strives to meet this challenge. In October 2019, the Board of Directors adopted the following concept and guidelines for the gender-sensitive usage of language.


Concept for the „Safeguarding and promotion of gender equality and equal opportunities“ at Berufsakademie Sachsen
zum Download (PDF 390 kB)


Guidelines for gender-sensitive usage of the German language at Berufsakademie Sachsen
zum Download (PDF 302 kB)



Prof. Dr. Sandra Zabel

Womens’ Representative at Berufsakademie Sachsen

Location Sachsen

Phone + 49 (0)37756 70-359
Office Breitenbrunn University of Cooperative Education
Room 113

Livia Lantzsch

Consultant for Quality Management

Location Glauchau

Phone +49 (0)3763 173-129
Fax +49 (0)3763 173-181
Email Send email
Office Zentrale Geschäftsstelle
Room 313

Deputy Women's Representative

Fanny Metál

Verwaltungsangestellte, Mitarbeiterin Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Location Dresden

Phone +49 351 44722-204
Fax +49 351 44722-299
Email Send email
Room 2.217
Porträt Anja Preißler

Anja Preißler

Gleichstellungs- und Frauenbeauftragte

Location Bautzen

Phone +49 3591 353-100
Email Send email
Room 100

Prof. Dr. Susanne Schneider

Dozentin, Frauenbeauftragte

Location Leipzig

Phone +49 341 42743-218
Fax +49 341 42743-331
Email Send email
Room 106 b

Dipl.-Ing. oec. Elke Rüprich


Location Glauchau

Phone 03763/173-337
Email Send email
Room 312


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