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Berufsakademie Sachsen Standorte
Leipzig Staatliche Studienakademie
Riesa Staatliche Studienakademie
Dresden Staatliche Studienakademie
Glauchau Staatliche Studienakademie
Plauen Staatliche Studienakademie
Breitenbrunn Staatliche Studienakademie
Bautzen Staatliche Studienakademie


"Future Intent-Based Networking: On the QoS Robust and Energy Efficient Heterogeneous Software Defined Networks" will be published

06. January 2022

Am 15. Januar 2022 erscheint der Sammelband „Future Intent-Based Networking: On the QoS Robust and Energy Efficient Heterogeneous Software Defined Networks” im Springer Verlag.

Internationales - Besuch aus Oberschlesien

03. November 2021

Das Interesse am Dualen Studium ist auch in den Nachbarländern groß. So war am 29. Oktober 2021 eine Delegation zu Gast an der Berufsakademie Sachsen.

Internationales - Studierende ins Ausland

09. June 2021

Das Ausland ruft - Studierende können sich für Teilstipendium PROMOS bewerben.

University Information Day also took place at Zgorelec

15. January 2020

Prof. Dr. Teresa Dierkes was heavily surrounded at the open university day in Polish Zgorzelec. Pupils and teachers from the Zgorzelec grammar schools were happy to take the opportunity ... Read here.

Thank you for the great cooperation. We wish ...

20. December 2019

... you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

(Re)appoinment of directors

27. June 2019

The directors of Berufsakademie Sachsen were awarded their certificates of reappointment by the Saxon State Ministry for Science and the Arts in Dresden.

Cooperation to secure availability of professionals in the region

25. June 2019

Chemnitz University of Technology and Berufsakademie Sachsen agreed on a closer cooperation to secure the availability of professionals and retain them in the region. This includes a more intensive collaboration in the areas of in-service academic training and the transfer between science and economy as well as society. Prof. Dr. Uwe Götze, representative of the rector and Prorector for Transfer and Further Education at Chemnitz University and Technology, and Prof. Dr. Andreas Hänsel, President of Berufsakademie Sachsen, signed the corresponding cooperation agreement in June.

Next dates

Inclusion at Berufsakademie Sachsen

On our way to becoming an "inclusive Berufsakademie Sachsen"

By adopting the action plan "Inclusive Berufsakademie Sachsen", which is based on the UN Disability Rights Convention and the state action plan, Berufsakademie Sachsen initiated a process that aims to enable persons with different disabilities and chronic diseases to successfully study and work at Berufsakademie Sachsen.

The action plan includes the following fields:

Action field 1:  Barrier-free access to buildings

This action field deals with the barrier-free access to buildings and function rooms, the orientation in the surroundings and buildings as well as barrier-free acoustic and visual conditions. This equally includes structural requirements and barrier-free mobility (e.g. travelling to the study location).  

Action field 2: Barrier-free communication

In this regard, Berufsakademie Sachsen strives for a comprehensive barrier-free design of online forms, (online) documents, (online) teaching materials and contents in the areas of public relations work, administration, internal and external communication and teaching. Berufsakademie Sachsen aims to structure the above areas in a way that allows disabled persons to use them directly without further aid or access them by using various personalized tools. This particularly includes the clear structure, navigation and description of website illustrations as well as a barrier-free legibility assisted by aids.

Action field 3: Equal opportunities in learning and teaching

This field of our action plan deals with the feasibility of the degree programs at Berufsakademie Sachsen. In particular students with disabilities, chronic diseases or other health impairments are dependent more than anybody else on the availability of literature and teaching materials in order to prepare or follow up on seminars and examinations. Digitalization and e-learning are important supporting tools in this regard. Moreover, a flexibilization of curricula and examination types can facilitate equal opportunities for all students since students with disabilities and chronic diseases often have to devote disproportionately much time for the organization of their studies and everyday life. This requires intensive coordination with practice partners in our cooperative degree programs.

Action field 4: Equal opportunities for members of staff

The action plan „Inclusive Berufsakademie Sachsen“ does not only address students but also includes members of staff, who likewise benefit from barrier-free communication and access to buildings. Apart from meeting legal requirements, equal opportunities for staff members mainly involve aspects like representation of interests, equality and health as well as equal opportunities in recruitment processes.

Action field 5: Information and counseling

Sufficient information and counseling for students with disabilities and chronic diseases are particularly important with regard to the choice of degree programs, the studies themselves and academic success. Berufsakademie Sachsen therefore aims to improve the visibility and accessibility of existing information and counseling services. Furthermore, we strive to continuously support those in charge of providing information and counseling services and sensitize students, staff members and practice partners in order to raise the awareness for the concerns of persons with disabilities and chronic diseases.

Livia Lantzsch

Consultant for Quality Management

Location Glauchau

Phone +49 (0)3763 173-129
Fax +49 (0)3763 173-181
Email Send email
Office Zentrale Geschäftsstelle
Room 313

Contacts for students

Persons in charge of interest of students with a disability or chronic disease – Feel free to contact us.

Anke Thiel

Library Assistant

Location Glauchau

Phone +49 (0)3763/173-290 (288)
Email Send email
Room Bibliothek

Prof. Dr. Katja Glaser

Leiterin Studienrichtung Controlling / Finance

Location Leipzig

Phone +49 341 42743-590
Fax +49 341 42743-331
Email Send email
Room 406 d
Foto von Prof. Dr. Barbe Rentsch

Prof. Dr. Barbe Rentsch


Location Riesa

Phone +49 (0)3525 707-645
Fax +49 (0)3525 733-613
Email Send email
Room 6.207
Link To the profile

Prof. Dr. Claudia Heilmann, M. Sc.

Head of Degree Program "Physician Assistant"

Location Plauen

Phone +49 (0)3741/5709 - 131
Fax +49 (0)3741/5709 - 119
Email Send email
Room A.1.18

Contacts for staff members

Staff members can contact the Central Representative Council of Employees with Disabilities of the Saxon Ministry for Sciences and Arts (SMWK).


Herr Bernd Schulz

Sächsische Landesbibliothek-Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden

(Saxon State Library - Dresden State and University Library)

Phone: +49 (0)351 4677339



Download "Agreement on the integration of persons with disabilities at Berufsakademie Sachsen in accordance with § 83 SGB IX" (PDF 344 kB)

Contacts for practice partners and interested businesses

"Company network ‘inclusion’"

For questions regarding corporate inclusion, please contact the "Company network INCLUSION".

The network is an initiative of trade and industry. It supports small and medium-sized enterprises in issues of corporate inclusion. It provides information on important legal and technical questions and ensures good cooperation with integration offices, integrational services or other rehabilitation organizations.

Link Flyer (PDF 402 kB)

Continuing education offers

The Coordination office for the advancement of equal opportunities at Saxon universities and higher education institutions offers a modularized workshop program that is open to actors and interested persons from the areas of inclusion as well as gender equality and diversity.

Please click here for an overview of offered workshops.

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