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Berufsakademie Sachsen Standorte
Leipzig Staatliche Studienakademie
Riesa Staatliche Studienakademie
Dresden Staatliche Studienakademie
Glauchau Staatliche Studienakademie
Plauen Staatliche Studienakademie
Breitenbrunn Staatliche Studienakademie
Bautzen Staatliche Studienakademie


"Future Intent-Based Networking: On the QoS Robust and Energy Efficient Heterogeneous Software Defined Networks" will be published

06. January 2022

Am 15. Januar 2022 erscheint der Sammelband „Future Intent-Based Networking: On the QoS Robust and Energy Efficient Heterogeneous Software Defined Networks” im Springer Verlag.

Internationales - Besuch aus Oberschlesien

03. November 2021

Das Interesse am Dualen Studium ist auch in den Nachbarländern groß. So war am 29. Oktober 2021 eine Delegation zu Gast an der Berufsakademie Sachsen.

Internationales - Studierende ins Ausland

09. June 2021

Das Ausland ruft - Studierende können sich für Teilstipendium PROMOS bewerben.

University Information Day also took place at Zgorelec

15. January 2020

Prof. Dr. Teresa Dierkes was heavily surrounded at the open university day in Polish Zgorzelec. Pupils and teachers from the Zgorzelec grammar schools were happy to take the opportunity ... Read here.

Thank you for the great cooperation. We wish ...

20. December 2019

... you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

(Re)appoinment of directors

27. June 2019

The directors of Berufsakademie Sachsen were awarded their certificates of reappointment by the Saxon State Ministry for Science and the Arts in Dresden.

Cooperation to secure availability of professionals in the region

25. June 2019

Chemnitz University of Technology and Berufsakademie Sachsen agreed on a closer cooperation to secure the availability of professionals and retain them in the region. This includes a more intensive collaboration in the areas of in-service academic training and the transfer between science and economy as well as society. Prof. Dr. Uwe Götze, representative of the rector and Prorector for Transfer and Further Education at Chemnitz University and Technology, and Prof. Dr. Andreas Hänsel, President of Berufsakademie Sachsen, signed the corresponding cooperation agreement in June.

Next dates

Incoming - international students at Berufsakademie Sachsen

Cooperative (Bachelor's) degree programs at Berufsakademie Sachsen are also open to prospective students from abroad. No matter whether you are interested in an exchange semester, an internship or a complete degree program: You are most welcome!

In the following you will find all relevant information.

Admission requirements/language requirements

For prospective foreign students there is an information shee (PDF 170 kB)t (PDF 178 kB), which deals with the language requirements, the question of recognition of degrees obtained abroad and residence permits. The Saxon State Ministry of the Interior (SMI) provides information on residence permits for students in cooperative degree programs.

In addition to the usual admission requirements, registered refugees must

  • prove their status as "registered refugee", and
  • take a TestAS test if documents relating to degrees obtained abroad cannot be presented. TestAS does not replace the required language tests (usually at level C1). In individual cases, the responsible examination board has the final decision.

TestAS is a central, standardised academic admission test. Berufsakademie Sachsen does not issue TestAS certificates. TestAS exams can be taken at certified test centers.

"Registered refugees" include the following persons:

  • persons with BÜMA/proof of arrival (notification of asylum application prior to application pursuant to § 63a AsylG)
  • asylum seekers (ongoing proceeding - residence permit according to § 55 AsylVfG)
  • tolerated persons (temporary suspension of deportation - toleration according to § 60a AufenthG)
  • persons entitled to asylum according to art. 16a GG/GFK (residence according to § 25 para. 1 AufenthG)- anerkannte Flüchtlinge gem. § 3 AsylVfG (Aufenthalt gem. § 25 Abs. 2 S. 1/1. AufenthG)
  • persons entitled to subsidiary protection according to § 4 AsylVfG (residence according to § 25 Abs. 2 S. 1/2. AufenthG)
  • persons with protection against deportation according to § 60 Abs. 5 and 7 AufenthG (residence according to § 25 Abs. 3 AufenthG)

The SMWKT (Saxon Ministry for Science, Arts and Tourism) provides general information on studying in Saxony for refugee students in English (PDF 564 kB), Arabic (PDF 610 kB) and Farsi (PDF 602 kB) (Persian).


If you would like to enroll in one of our cooperative degree programs at Berufsakademie Sachsen, you will find information on formal and personal requirements and precise instructions on how to study with us on the pages of the respective study academy under "Before commencing your studies".


The European Credit Transfer System ECTS was introduced in 1989 as part of ERASMUS. It is the only credit system that has been successfully tested and is used throughout Europe. The assessment of the student's performance will continue to be documented by a locally awarded grade based on the German grading scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being the highest grade. This grade is supplemented by an ECTS grade. This supplement is indispensable in the case of credit transfers. However, it is also recommended for the mere accumulation of credits, as it provides information on the relative performance of the student(s) and should also be included in the Diploma Supplement. Since the ECTS grade is a relative grade and there is no fixed conversion into the German grading system, the following table (PNG 44 kB) is merely a non-binding orientation.

Living at our locations

The topic of "housing" is regulated differently at our seven locations; some of our study academies have their own halls of residence, some are affiliated to the local Studentenwerk (Student Services) and use its services, and some have contracts with local providers.

Below you can find the links to the corresponding pages of our locations:








Health insurance

Health insurance is compulsory in Germany. However, conditions, rates and reimbursement of costs can differ greatly. You should therefore obtain information as early as possible and look for a suitable health insurance. If you do not have proof of health insurance, it is not possible to enroll at a university. You can find a list of all statutory health insurance companies here.

There are also numerous private health insurance companies in Germany. However, they are often considerably more expensive. In addition, it is difficult to switch to a statutory health insurance company once you are privately insured.

Social security agreements exist with some countries (including EU member states). This means that the insurance from your home country can be recognized in Germany. Please consult your health insurance company to find out which documents you need for recognition.

If you have decided to take up a complete cooperative degree program at Berufsakademie Sachsen, your practice partner will in any case insure you in the statutory health insurance scheme.

Contact persons at the locations and in the Central Office

Professor Dr. Daniel Raabe

Location Bautzen

Phone +49 (0)3591 353-280
Email Send email
Room 113

Prof. Dr. Ute Schloderer


Location Breitenbrunn

Phone +49 (0)37756 / 70-313
Fax +49 (0)37756 / 70-2107
Room 213

Prof. Dr. phil. Jürgen Smettan

Lecturer, Erasmus Commissioner

Location Dresden

Phone +49 (0)351 44722-714
Fax +49 (0)351 44722-299
Email Send email
Room 2.312

Prof. Dr. Annett Pflug

Head of Degree Program "Transport Management and Logistics"

Location Glauchau

Phone +49 (0)3763/173-522
Email Send email
Room 403

Prof. Dr. Christian Thöne

Subject Leader Banking, Contact Person University Sports Center

Location Leipzig

Phone +49 (0)341 42743-572
Fax +49 (0)341 42743-331
Email Send email
Room 404

Prof. Dr. Juliane Kellner-Fuchs

Head of Degree Programme “Retail and International Management”

Location Plauen

Phone +49 (0)3741/5709 - 121
Fax +49 (0)3741/5709 - 129
Email Send email
Room A.1.19
Link To the profile
Foto von Prof. Dr. Frank Thunecke

Prof. Dr. Frank Thunecke


Location Riesa

Phone +49 (0)3525 707-640
Fax +49 (0)3525 733-613
Email Send email
Room 6.210

Ilona Scherm

Consultant for knowledge and technology transfer, international affairs and intercultural competence

Location Glauchau

Phone +49 (0)3763/173-135
Fax +49 (0)3763/173-181
Email Send email
Office ZGS
Room 313
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